Goodness in a packet! The Fish Farmer Mullet Fillet comes pack with nutrients : oil-rich fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. Its meat is of a medium to firm texture and has a rich, distinctive flavour. Can be pan-fried, steamed or even eaten cold! Sold in NTUC stores islandwide, also available on SGFM!
The Fish Farmer Mullet Fillet & Assam Mullet Chowder can also be purchased here : The Fish Farmer Mullet Fillet, Assam Mullet Chowder
The off-cuts off the Mullet are also used to make our very own Assam Mullet Chowder.
Food waste is one of the biggest waste streams in Singapore, and 40 per cent is generated by the commercial and industrial sectors that handle fish, other seafood and vegetables. In this second instalment of a six-part series on food waste, The Sunday Times, in partnership with DBS Bank, dives into a fish farm. Judith Tan and Vanessa Liu explore how the farm's waste is raw material for a restaurant as the food industry pushes towards zero food waste.
More can be found below:
An article on the Sunday Times can be found here : The Strait Times
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