Salmon sashimi with toasted pepper, rapeseed oil, rye, onion and sour cream
1) 200 g salmon (get yours HERE!)
2) Cold-pressed rapeseed oil
3) Slice of rye bread
4) ½ red onion
5) 4 tablespoons of sour cream
6) 1 fistfull of fresh dill
7) Lemon
8) Salt
9) 3 tablespoons of whole pepper
1. Pre-heat the oven to 220 C
2. Warm the frying pan to a high heat and toast the pepper until it starts smoking. Let the pepper cool and fill a grinder. (optional)
3. Tear the rye bread into small pieces, mix in a little oil and salt, place in an oven dish and bake for 10 minutes or when the bread becomes crispy.
4. Finely chop the red onion and cut the lemon into “boats”.
5. Cut the salmon in thin slices and spread over a plate. Grind the toasted pepper, sprinkle over with the crispy rye bread and chopped onion and top with sour cream, dill, oil and lemon boats.